My amazing Boyfriend turned 24 at the end of June so all of us {our friends, mostly consisting of Greeks} decided to head up to the Tavernacle in Salt Lake. It was a great time. Both Chris and I had to get up on the pianos and dance. Sadly they were at different times. For mine I got up to dance with some 21 year old boy that was there for his birthday, I had to go up because he had picked me out of the crowd to dance with him. The real questions is Why? I had to play "head shoulders knees and toes" while touching the parts of the body that was sang in the song. I also had to touch other body parts that I did not want to touch. lol Then Chris got up to dance to "Like a Virgin" and ended up putting on a boa, taking off his shirt, and then having a cougar woman buy him a drink... cougars have this thing for him for some reason? He seems to think it is because he is a pilot but I do not know how she would have known that he was a pilot? Maybe its the vibe? haha either way he got a shot from it! All-in-all it was a fantastic night and I was happy that a bunch of people showed up to let Chris know that he is a great person! The birthday boy and I
Nefi and Mar
Mar and I
The Tavernacle makes people show their true affection for each other ;-) Nefi and Cruches.
I am sorry Amanda and John that I did not get any pictures of you, thanks for coming though.