Roll The Dice and Have some Faith

Thursday, July 15, 2010

{Christine's Visit}

Okay, so I am sorry that lately I haven't really posted anything about my life, it is more about random thoughts of mine. So I thought I would bombard y'all with a good amount of posts and info on what has been going on for the past month.

In June my friend Christine flew into Salt Lake from Texas for her birthday. We spent Friday to Monday just hanging out and having fun.

We went to Texas Roadhouse for her first Birthday dinner.

Went to Cheesecake Factory on Sunday for her second Birthday dinner

Man isn't my boyfriend the cutest?

We went to a moving out party at my friend Amanda's apartment...

We went to the Real Game

We also did some laying out... I must say her reaction to Utah sun was not what I expected. She is from Texas and is used to it being hot, but she said that it is crazy hot here in Utah becasue our elevation is a lot higher, so halfway through us laying out she couldn't handle it and had to go in the shade. Its nice to know that Utah has something against Texas, our amazing sun!! ;-)

It seriously was an amazing weekend and i miss her so much. I cannot wait until she moves to Florida while I am there and we will be inseparable!