Roll The Dice and Have some Faith

Thursday, July 7, 2011

{Post for Preston}

I would like to take the time to dedicate this post to my great friend and ex-boyfriend Preston J. Suter. He was killed on Tuesday July 5, 2011 in Afghanistan in a roadside bombing. He was a proud member of the Army and had the MOS of Military Police. Preston and I met back in sophomore year of high school and we instantly hit it off as friends. He laughed at all of my jokes and was just as smart alec as I was. He played basketball for Alta all three years and was such a huge basketball fan. He especially loved the Lakers (BOOO)! He was such a people person, always quick to introduce himself and make people feel comfortable. I am so proud of all that he has accomplished and I am truly sorry for all of the other people including family and friends as well as his wife whom have lost an amazing guy. He may be physically gone, but his spirit lives on with us here. All of us have a guardian angel now!

I thought in honor of the 22 years that he lived his life to the fullest I would list 22 memories about the Preston that I know and remember:

22. Preston loved to joke with people, he was constantly being a goof ball and just laughing.
21. Preston was stationed in Hoenfels, Germany.
20. As mentioned before, he was a huge Lakers fan. We would always get in a fight about who was better Jazz or Lakers... Half the time he won.
19. He loved La Frontera's Smothered Burrito with Cheese. We always loved making frequent visits there.
18. Our first date was the Mr. and Mrs. Smith movie at Jordan Commons. I remember thinking how good Preston smelled that day!
17. He went to Snow College for two semesters (about) and I remember visiting him and having a fun time with him and his roommates.
16. One time, on his birthday, we followed Derek Fischer around Fashion Place for 2 hours. He had this weird obsession with him. lol
15. One time we drove around for 2 hours just trying to find Sugarhouse Park to watch fireworks, needless to say we gave up and watched them at some other park in Sandy. (He wasn't that great at directions ;-))
14. I remember always looking forward to the days he got a pass at Basic Training, it was the best surprise to get a call when I was walking through wal mart or sitting in a class.
13. Most people called him P, but we decided to give each other nicknames, I was K-Sizzle and he was P-Dawg. But most of the time I called him PJ.
12. For my birthday one year he gave me the movie Chicago, which is also the movie that we watched one night hanging out, where we both admitted how much we loved it.
11. He bought an ipod when he was at Basic and had it sent to my house so that I could download all my music to it. In the end he ended up deleting all my music because he thought my music wasnt "cool enough".
10. He loved rap music, I remember getting into his old car plenty of times and having the music loud and the bass turned up.
9. We went to Summer Jam back in 2007, right after graduation, and instead of staying for the music we used as a complete people watching experience. We laughed about it for hours.
8. He sent me this hat when he was in basic:
7. Preston always talked about how excited he was to be a father, although it didn't happen and probably wasn't going to happen anytime soon, he would have been a great father. He loved kids a lot.
6. There were nights when he lived in Germany where we would skype until we both fell asleep (It usually worked out the best when he had worked a grave yard shift)
5. I remember when he came home in February and he had told me he was going to marry Nicole and he wanted me to meet her. I got so excited because I was happy that he had finally found someone that he could give all of his love to.
4. He loved the Army (most days), he talked about how he wanted to excel and move up in the army.
3. The day he became a specialist he was so happy, he earned it and deserved everything that he was given for it.
2. He was always good about making me smile, he knew when I was having a down day and could turn it around, but in a logical way. It was a great trait of his.

It is hard to think that I spoke to him last week and now it will never happen again. I will miss you PJ and the way you made me laugh. One day we will all join you up there.

My condolences go out to his wife Nicole, his dad Chris, and his mom Dixie. He loved you all so very much!

Love you P-Dawg!